Kamis, 27 Mei 2004

Having Columns Like in a Newspaper

This is column 1 and this is column 1 and this is still column 1
This is column 2 and this is column 2 and this is still column 2
This is column 3 and this is column 3 and this is still column 3

The source code for the colums was this:




  This is column 1 and this is column 1 and this is still column 1<BR>


 <TD WIDTH="5%"></TD>


  This is column 2 and this is column 2 and this is still column 2<BR>


 <TD WIDTH="5%"></TD>


  This is column 3 and this is column 3 and this is still column 3<BR>





When inserting the code, make sure you put it into very few lines.

Change all the little percentages to adjust the coloums, and also make sure you change the text.

This html tip will help your page be professional.

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