Jumat, 28 Mei 2004

Tips for Formatting Text

Plain old text needs a few html tips.
That is why I will show some html which will improve plain old text.

Html Tip 1: To insert plain old text simply insert any text between the <body> and </body> tags.
This is html text
This is html text

Html Tip 2: To make text bold, underlined, or be in italics, add the corresponding tag on the sides of the text.
To make text bold, insert the <b> and </b> tags on the sides of the text.
To make text in italics, insert the <i> and </i> tags on the sides of the text.
To make underlined, insert the <u> and </u> tags on the sides of text.
And, finally, here is a bonus tip:
You can put a line through text by placing the and tags on the sides of the text.
This is html text in italics.
<i>This is html text in italics</i>

Html Tip 3: To change the font itself, font size and colors, look at this:
To change the color:
add the <FONT COLOR="color name in english"> and </font color> to the sides of the text.
To change the font size:
add the <font size=number from 1-7> and </font> to the sides of the text.
To change the font:
add the <font face="font name"> and </font> to the sides of the text.
In addition, you can put commas between different fonts like this:
<font face="artistik,arial">This can be in different fonts.</font>
This html code creates text which will be in the artistik font. However, if the computer does not have an artistik font, then the text will be written in arial.
Here is what the html does on your computer:
This can be in different fonts
Here is another example of changing the font size, text or colors:
<font color="red">This is html text in red</font>
And that creates this:
This is html text in red
And finally, another example for people who really like changing fonts:

<font color="red" font size=5 font face="artistik,times,arial">Fancy html text</font>

And that html creates this:

Fancy html text

Html Tip 4: It is sometimes useful to move text around a little.
Here are some nice tags:
To start a new paragraph, simply insert <p>
To center text, simply insert <center> and </center> to the sides of the text you want centered.
To align text to the right, simply insert <div style="text-align: right;"> and </div> on the sides of the text you want to be aligned to the right.
To start a new line, simply insert <br>.

Now there is some nice html to make your site look great!

Related Tips:
Having Columns Like in a Newspaper
Align Text and Images

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